Natalia Lazarus, Actress and Director | CEO and Founder, Lazarus On Stage | Author, “My Love Affair: Thorns and Roses“
Good poetry, I feel, comes from authentic human emotion. It is when I unearth the deepest, darkest, purest, and most truthful expressions of how I feel and how I view the world.
That’s when poetry, for me, connects beyond the written word.
It goes deep down into the secrets, to those ill feelings we just kind of learn to live with and don’t always express. Those seem always to push forward first.
Poetry becomes important when we allow our inner voice to come forth in a creative, palpable, emotional manner that others can connect to. It is the bare essence of the human condition. It is a universal language, a drumbeat that connects us.
When I allow verses just to flow and trust the voice that is roaring to get out, it enables the poetry to be raw, primal, at purest. Good poetry is not necessarily concerned with structure, form, or societal pleasantries.
You will find, in my own poetry, repetition plays an important role in my creative process.
Repetition of words and phrases provides:
- A grounding point.
- A place to return to.
- A place to drive home the core meaning or message of my thoughts.
The grounding line, the inner monologue, reminds me of where I am going and what the poem is about.
Rhythm, poise, tempo, and the words themselves are “the thing.”
Good poetry expresses different topics that are close to our heart, that have affected us, that have meaning to us, that we advocate and question — as through our voices, we connect with others, learn, grow, and heal on the same human condition—creating:
- Resilience
- Assimilation
- Acceptance
- Empathy
- Forgiveness
As a poet, my role in creating good poetry is in the ability to carry to the forefront issues that we can truly advocate, and speak our point of view on in the hopes that it is embraced, understood, felt, acknowledged, and absorbed by the readers’ hearts, and moved into action or compassion in an effort to not feel so alone.
~ Natalia Lazarus
Contributing Author
What Makes Good Poetry? (According to 10+ Experts)